General Stock Information

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Fiscal Year April 1 to March 31 of the following year
Ordinary General Meeting
of Shareholders
Basis Date Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders : March 31
End-term dividend : March 31
Mid-term dividend : September 30
Notification Method Electronic Notification
(Notification publication address →
However, in the case that notifications cannot be made with electronic notifications due to accidents
or other unavoidable reasons, we publish it on Nihon Keizai Shimbun.
Minimum Trading Unit 100
Stock Listing Tokyo Stock Exchange
Securities Code 4406
Shareholder Registry
Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Corporation
Contact Securities Agency Division (Osaka), Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Corporation
3-6-3 Fushimi-cho, Chuo-ku, Osaka 541-8502, Japan
TEL: 0120-094-777 (Toll-free)

Request for address changes, purchase or sale of shares less than one unit, etc.

Please make the request to the securities company at which you have an account.
In the case of shareholders who were recorded in a special account due to not having an account at a securities company, please make the request to Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Corporation.

Request for payment of unpaid dividend

Inquiries regarding the sending of postal items

Please make the request to Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Corporation.
