/ Environmental Initiative /
Environmental Philosophy
New Japan Chemical recognizes the conservation of the global environment as one of the important issues common to humanity. We are engaged in the manufacturing and sale of chemical products, and actively aim to reduce the environmental burden.
Environmental policy
We are engaged in the research, development and production of chemicals and, accordingly, conduct environmental management activities to reduce the environmental impact of the products we make. We are particularly concerned about preventing resource depletion and work to procure recyclable materials to the greatest extent possible, while promoting activities to reduce environmental impact.
1 . Legal compliance and pollution prevention
We comply with environmental laws, regulations and other requirements, strive to prevent environmental pollution, and work to protect the environment of society and local communities.
2 . Environmental load reduction activities
We grasp the environmental pollution that accompanies business development, manage the environment through continuous improvement, and work to prevent pollution.
- ① We purchase environment-friendly products and develop product design, development, manufacturing, and sales activities.
- ② Strengthen the understanding and management of hazardous chemical substances and carry out activities to reduce emissions.
- ③ We strive to conduct research and development managing emissions in consideration of the environmental burden.
3 . Education and publicity activities
We set environmental objectives to achieve this environmental policy, informing all employees through environmental education to practice environmental pollution prevention.
Environmental Management System
In 2004, we obtained ISO 14001 certification for our environmental management system (Kyoto Plant, Tokushima Plant, Kawasaki Plant, Sakai Plant, and Research Laboratory).
We utilize an environmental management system to clarify organizational roles and responsibilities. Each organization sets its own environmental goals and works for continuous environmental improvement through a PDCA cycle. These woeks are evaluated by the Energy Conservation and Environment Committee and internal environmental audits, and the evaluation results are reflected to top management for improvement and review of the environmental management system.

Environmental Performance
Material flow(FY2023 actual results)New Japan Chemical Co., Ltd. & Nissin Chemical Co., Ltd.

Approach to Environment Load Reduction
The Challenge of Going Carbon Neutrality
As a company that conducts business using petrochemical resources, we recognize that it is a very important responsibility to go CN (Carbon Neutrality).We have set a goal of reducing CO2 emissions from our domestic business sites by 50% from the FY2013 level by FY2030, and achieving CN by FY2050.
To achieve our goals, we are promoting energy-saving activities such as fuel efficiency improvement and conversion to renewable energy as well as approaching a low-carbon society through our business.
Waste Reduction
From the perspective of reducing environmental impact and processing costs, We will continue to strive to reduce waste.
It is difficult to directly reduce the amount of waste per production volume, but we are working to reduce waste by promoting 3R※ activities.
※3R:Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
Water resources
Presently, there are no water intake restriction areas in our production bases. However, we recognize the importance of water resources that are vital to our production activities, and we are working reduction and preservation of water resources risk. In FY2023, the total water intake by water source at our domestic production bases was 3,211 thousand tons. In regards to drainage water quality, we are independently managing quality at standards stricter than the standards determined by each municipality.
Through measures such as promoting proper operation of boilers and incinerators, we have been managing at standards set stricter than each municipality, as well as advancing our reduction in toxic substance emissions into the atmosphere.
Sustainable Raw Material Procurement - RSPO Certified Oil -
We together with its business partner suppliers, conducts procurement activities based on its CSR policy in order to meet the demands and expectations of society, continuing to create various values through its business. Environmentally friendly raw material procurement efforts include sustainable procurement of palm oil derivatives, one of our main raw materials.
The Group manufactures and sells products such as fatty acids, higher alcohols, and surfactants made from palm oil and palm kernel oil. In order to reduce the environmental burden of these products and strive to procure sustainable raw materials, we became Ordinary Member of "Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO)" in July 2015. We promote the procurement and use of RSPO certified oils.
Approach to Environment Value Creation - R&D -
100% Biomass Ester Oil
In response to the recent trend of active efforts to go carbon neutral, we have developed a 100% biomass-derived ester-based lubricant by utilizing our oleo products and the esterification technology we have developed over the years. With these developments, we will contribute to the carbon neutralization of lubricants. First of all, we will mainly target the automotive sector, where efforts to become more environmentally friendly are flourishing.
Product characteristics
Our 100% biomass ester oil is primarily comprised of fatty acid acquired from palm trees and alcohol. With superior low temperature liquidity, for 28 days it primarily showed excellent signs of biodegradability.
・RiKANATURA® (Emollient agent for cosmetics raw materials)
・NJLUB® (Ester oil for Industrial lubricants)

Biomass Plasticizer GREENCIZER®
We developed our GREENCIZER® plasticizer series; with over 70% biomass, it has equivalent or greater cold and heat resistance than our products, DOP, DINP and DUP that are made from fossil-based raw materials. Since Plasticizer is mixed in large quantities in the processing of resins, by using our product the percentage of biomass in the resin itself can significantly increase. As our entire GREENCIZER® series has been recognized by the Japan Organics Recycling Association, we have received the Mark of Biomass.
※The Biomass Mark is a mark of environmental-friendly products certified by the Japan Organics Recycling Association that utilize biological resources (biomass) and conform to relevant laws, regulations, standards, and specifications in terms of quality and safety.