/ Society's Initiative /
Basic Stance on Society
In our rapidly evolving environment, society, and economics, the issues we face are becoming increasingly complicated. In this environment, we must keep up with the times, never be satisfied with the status quo, and continually review our work methods, systems, and organizational structure in order to remain a manufacturing company that will stay close to our customers and contribute to the development of society for the next 100 years.
We believe that our employees are the source of corporate value in such a society. We strive to be a group of spice-like people whom are receptive to diverse values and exhibit our cultivated technology and technical skill. By creating a spice-like workplace where such people enjoy and challenge themselves with free ideas, we strive to become a company that can create “spice” manufactured goods that will support the world in various areas and contribute towards the realization of a more vibrant and caring society.
Human Resource Development
- Polishing Individuals and Encouraging Growth -
We believe that the source of a company's sustainable growth is its human resources. We are committed to human resource development with the aim of creating an organization where people with diverse perspectives and values can develop their abilities and work to their fullest potential.
Renewal of personnel system
In order to establish a new human resource management system, we are revising our personnel evaluation system in phases starting in FY2022. We aim to create an environment in which employees can work with peace of mind, and to manage human resources so that the company firmly evaluates employees who take on challenges. This new personnel evaluation system is also an initiative for human resource development. In order to make this system take root, we encourage supervisors to have more opportunities than ever to discuss growth and challenges with their subordinates.
Training system
Our education and training system consists mainly of general education, department-specific education. With the aim of fostering "people with imagination, a sense of responsibility, and the ability to carry out their duties," we have established a training system for each level of employees and are systematically and continuously promoting it in order to acquire the abilities needed to carry out their duties.
Training Agenda | Content |
Training by Hierarchical Level | ・Training for promotion
・Career Design Training |
Next-generation leaders training | ・Training candidates for the next generation of management |
Selective training(Starts in April 2023) | ・Choose from over 8,500 courses |
Health & Productivity Management Initiative
We believe our human resources are our cornerstone. We promote respect for human rights efforts group-wide, and we are advancing our safety management and health promotion of our employees in each workplace to ensure each and every employee is healthy both physically and mentally. We also believe that working is hand in hand with family and living, so we are working to establish a work system that allows flexible work styles.
Declaration of Health & Productivity Management
We declares that the entire organization will work to create a work environment where each and every one of us is physically and mentally healthy, lively and fulfilled. We will contribute to the development of society through our product creation by ensuring the sustainable growth of the company as well as the growth of its employees.
President & CEO Yoshiki Miura
Optimization of Working Hours
In order to promote overwork countermeasures as well as provide a variety of ways to work, in FY2021, we renovated our attendance management system to be able to grasp and manage the working hours of employees who are working from home. Although telecommuting could make unclear the distinction between work and life and impede on securing private time, through the renovation, managing one’s working hours without the need for self-assessments becomes possible. Not only will work efficiency increase, but creates a chance for employees themselves to re-evaluate the way they work. Our attendance management system will also aid in health impairment prevention.
Coreless Flextime System
Since it is important from the perspective of continuity of business activities to adapt to a working style that is not restricted by working hours or location, the flextime system, which had been introduced only for the R&D department, was changed to a coreless flextime system. In addition, we are expanding the number of departments to which the coreless flextime system is applied.
Strengthening the health promotion system, moving from treatment to prevention-centered initiatives
Based on the Industrial Safety and Health Act, we promote health and safety management to prevent industrial accidents, ensure the safety of employees and workers of affiliated companies, and maintain and promote their health. We also have industrial physicians or commissioned physicians at all of our business sites to support the daily health management of our employees. In addition, as part of our welfare program, we support employees' health maintenance and early treatment by providing medical expense subsidies.
Mental and Physical Health Promotion
To support the health of our employees, we encourage self-care.
Health is a dynamic thing that is affected by aging, illness, life events, and many other factors. We believe that in order to lead a fulfilling life, it is important not only to have regular health checkups, but also to enhance one's own sense of wellness. We will continue to support the health of our employees through initiatives including the creation of a comfortable work environment.
Health Promotion Initiatives | FY2022 |
% of employees receiving health checkups | Both Spring and Fall Seasons 100% |
% of employees receiving stress check | Both Spring and Fall Seasons 100% |
Diversity & Inclusion
We are committed to Diversity & Inclusion through the hire and promotion of human resources with diverse experiences and careers. In addition, we are also promoting initiatives to revitalize the organization, such as internal job rotations.
Promoting Gender Equality
We think that in order to become an organization that recognizes diverse values and demonstrates individuality, it is necessary to increase diversity through the promotion of gender equality.
Initiatives | FY2023 | FY2025 Target |
Increase the ratio of women in workplaces with low ratios of women(sales, purchasing, manufacturing and engineering) | Hired 2 female employees in the Sales Div. | 2 or more female employees assigned to each workplace |
Percentage of women in managerial positions | 7.0% | 7.0% or greater |
Percentage of employees with disabilities | 1.9% | 2.5% or greater |
Retention rate of employees with disabilities (up to 3 years of employment) | 100% | 100% |
Managing Both Work and Childcare
We actively support our employees in balancing work and childcare. By having supervisors carefully communicate with employees who plan to take childcare leave, we aim to increase the rate of male employees taking childcare leave.
Action Plan based on Act on Advancement of Measures to Support Raising Next-Generation Children
Period:April 1, 2022 - March 31, 2024
Action Plan and its Goals
- Create guidebooks and hold in-house seminars to familiarize employees with systems and procedures related to childcare.
- Conduct a survey on the actual status of balancing nursing care and work, and hold in-house seminars on support for balancing work and nursing care.
- Encourage employees to take annual paid leave and enable them to take at least 10 days per year.
( For less than seven years, enable them to take take annual paid leave at least 50% of granted per year. For less than 1 year are excluded.)
FY2019 | FY2020 | FY2021 | FY2022 | FY2023 | FY2025 | |
% of male employees taking childcare leave | 17% | 43% | 75% | 43% | 70% | 100% |
% of female employees taking childcare leave | 100% | 100% | 100% | 100% | 100% | 100% |
% of employees who returned to work from childcare leave | Both genders 100% |
Both genders 100% |
Both genders 100% |
Both genders 100% |
Both genders 100% |
Both genders 100% |
Elevate Employee Work Engagement
We believe that employee work engagement (vitality, enthusiasm, and enthusiasm), which is the source of increased corporate value, is an essential element for us to continue to be a company that can contribute to society.
We are striving to create a workplace environment in which employees can maximize their performance, aiming for each and every employee to feel "healthy and energetic in mind and body" and "fulfilled in their work".
In FY2023, we conducted stress checks and employee questionnaires as indicators to measure these efforts. As a result, 74.6% of employees responded that they are "satisfied with their work" and "feel fulfilled in their work. We will continue to strive to build good relationships with our employees, aiming for more than 80% positive responses in the work engagement measurement.
Community Relations
We are committed to utilizing the Group's resources in our community relations. We will continue to interact with local communities through, for example, providing learning opportunities for children, and will strive to revitalize local communities.
Participation in Community Activities

We participated in the regional event "Fushiminato Festa" held in Fushimi-ku, Kyoto City, where our Kyoto Plant is located. In order to get participants interested in chemistry and the sustainable use of natural resources, we held a workshop under the theme of "Contact with Water and Chemistry.