Financial Account Highlights

Status of Consolidated Accounts


Subject 2020/3 2021/3 2022/3 2023/3 2024/3
Net Sales
(million of yen)
26,839 24,437 32,358 33,105 32,863
Operating Profit or Loss (△)
(million of yen)
428 287 1,202 △439 361
Ordinary Income
(million of yen)
707 706 1,589 105 780
Net Profit for the Term or Loss (△)
(million of yen)
460 501 811 △444 220
Total Assets
(million of yen)
32,756 35,886 40,086 38,553 40,114
Net Assets
(million of yen)
14,595 16,216 16,999 16,954 18,476
Net Assets per Share
365.29 407.87 427.44 425.54 463.60
Net Profit or Loss (△) per Share
12.35 13.46 21.76 △11.92 5.92